Monday, August 9, 2010


Well, needless to say, I got that night off. I was stoked when I found out, not as stoked as I was at that concert. We'll get back to that. As far as real life things, we signed up for our new place today. Looking for that perfect spot was stressing me out to no end because of the time restriction, and I realized yesterday that it's another year before Illyana goes into school, so I don't mind if we simply rent a little while longer. As long as a) It's a single family home or townhouse, b) At least two stories, c) A safe area, and d) Nicer altogether. After some research we visited our choice location today and we were so impressed, I signed on right away, although our move-in date isn't till October 29th. Heheh! I wanted to make sure we definitely had the place, as it seems to be a pretty popular choice around here. Although it's not back in my home city yet, I'm happy to not have that stress again for a little while, and happy it's still near my work so I can come home on my breaks. :-D

This weekend was phenomenal. Friday night we hit the carnival, spent loads of cash and came out with a big blow up Dora for Illyana that Brandon had to charm off a woman manning one of the games. It always works. We also got three goldfish I've named Buddy, Sprite, and Silly. When we went to Wal-Mart to get supplies for them, Brandon got jealous of my new pets and aquired himself two Betta fish he's named Dragon and Phoenix.  Saturday night Brandon and I went on our weekly date night and saw The Other Guys, got our 3lbs of candy and had a great time. I'm so happy we get to spend these times together, especially at the concerts. Speaking of, the concert was epic, to say the least. Long story short, Brandon is now best friends with For The Foxes and Austin Tofte of Swimming With Dolphins, after meeting LIGHTS last Sunday and afterwards had hours of conversation with her via WoW. That man has quite the personality! But, never fear, Austin and I had our words. I gave him hugs, got some pictures, and he signed a shirt and his CD for me. For The Foxes also all signed a shirt for me. In retrospect, that seemed dumb considering I get these shirts to show off at work and now they're signed so I can't wear them. Blahhh. Heheh! Oh well, it was a night I'm not going to forget. We always meet the most awesome people at these things. Jimmy and Scott at LIGHTS, Chris, Christine and Keith at this one...more peeps I can't list because it would be too long. :-D

Well, I should go to bed so I can get up early and tidy this Goddess forsaken home. See ya's!

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